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Teacher's Name


Agron, Carissa
Alarcon, Dawn
Almonte, Albertina

Abiodun, Samuel

Albert, Sabine

Asael, Arevalo 

Aversano, Elvira

Battey, Erik

Berte, Barbara 

Breen, Michael 

Cargill, Joan

Chan, Teresa

Cho, Esther 

Cohen, Dahna 

Collado, Haronid 


Curanaj, Rose 

Currie, Eton 

DiTargiani, Joseph 

DiTroia, Joseph 

Garcia, Bakari 

Georgalas, Demitra

Gordon, Patrice 

Harder, Wes 

Hernandez, Melanie

Infante, Christie 

Irizarry, Krystle

Jen, Derrick 

Khan, MD 

Kosmidis, Vasiliki

Lagani, David  

Le, Sang 

Lehman, Richard  

Lemons, Kelly 

Madden, Winsome 

McLean, Dave 

Melamed, Helen 

Mulhall, Bryan 

Netti, Andrew 

Nowak, Iwonna 

Omar, Akram 

Parada, Adriana 

Pierce, Michael 

Rahman, Nadia 

Robinson, Richard 

Striefler, Kelly 

Williams, Shanece

Vitiello, Rosa Maria

Gentles, Keresha

Regina Agbanyo

Carla, Hernandez

Stewart, Jillisa

River, Inez

Student's know By 


Ms. A/Ms. Agron

Ms. A

Ms. Almonte

Mr Samuel



Ms. Aversano 

Mr. Erik

Ms. Barbara

Mr. Breen

Ms. Cargill

Ms. Teresa

Ms. Esther

Ms. Cohen

Ms. Collado

Ms. Cruz (ENL)

Ms. Rose

Mr.. Currie

Mr. D

Ms. DiTroia

Mr. Garcia

Ms. Demitra

Ms. Patrice

Mr. Wes

Ms. Hernandez

Mrs. Infante

Ms. Krystle

Mr. Jen

Mr. khan

Ms. Kosmidis

David Lagani

Mr. Le

Mr. Lehman

Dr. Lemons

Ms. Madden

Mr. Dave

Ms. Helen

Mr Bryan

Mr. Netti

Ms. Nowak

Mr Omar

Ms. Parada

Mr. Pierce

Ms. Nadia 

Mr. Robinson

Ms. Kelly

Ms. Williams

Ms. V

Ms. Gentles

Ms. Regina


Ms. Stewart

Ms. Rivera

       Classes (e.g. 6th Grade ELA)


1103/1104 US History/ 11th/12th Council For Unity

Earth Sci - 901,1001,1002, 1105   Select 12th & 11th

Rewards Plus 6,7,8  SETSS ELA 

7th Grade Math, 801 Math

Social Studies -  905-1005-1105-1205-1203

8th Choir, 9th Grade General Music & 11/12th Choir

ELA 905-1005-1105-1205-1203

Mr. Erik 176 63 ELA/SS, SETSS 9th-12th 

1101, 1103, 802 US History

Physical Education 6-12

187, 701, 703

Ms. Teresa Grade 8 ELA, 81, 83, Reading Strategies Group 6, Reading Strategies Group 7 and Reading Strategies Group 8

Ms. Esther - 8th grade science

1103, 1104, 1201, 1203

1005, 905,1205

ELA 176, 703,904,1005,1104,1203

ELA 8th / 11th 

Math Teacher

6th & 8th Grade Social Studies

Global 1001, 1002, 1003, & Govt.

6th Grade Math

ELA 1002, Writing 905 & 10th Gr., College Writing 12th Gr.

Grade 8 ELA, 87, 83, Reading Strategies 7th, Reading Strategies 8th, 87 SS

802 Math, Algebra 2, AP Stats

Math 176/6th Grade


ELA 903, 904, 1003, 1103, 1104

6th & 7th Grade ELA

1001,1002,1003,1103.Algebra and Geometry.

Math(603,701,703,803,176); Algebra(901,1003,1005,1105); ELA(905,1003)

HS Math 901, 903, 904  1103, 1203

HS Sci 901, 903, 904 and 11th Grade Intro to Sustainability

7th Grade Social Studies

10th grade ELA (1001) and 11th grade Structures of Writing 

Structures of Writing 9th Grade (901, 903, 904)

9th grade ELA, 1003 ELA, 8th grade Tech

8th, 10th, 11th, & 12th 

6th Science, 10th Chemistry, 10th Earth Science 

Social Studies - Global - 901, 903, 904; Economics - 1201

Ms. Nowak, Science/Engineering (904,76, 701, 702, 703)

803 Math,176 Science, 905 SS 

801, 802, 803, 807, 25/95, 10th SPANISH 

PE 6-12

10th 11th (1105/1205) Math 

Algebra 1 9th/10th


Special Education, ELA & Social Studies 71 & 73

Speech Teacher

School Psychologist

School Social Worker

School Counselor 

School Counselor 

School Counselor 



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