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  • School Counselor's:

    • School counselors are trained to service the entire K to 12 school community including students, families, staff, and school leadership. School counselors work with school administrators in advocating for programs and services that positively impact student academic success in alignment with New York State Learning Standards, social emotional development, and higher education and career readiness.

  • Social Worker:

    • School-based social workers provide direct service to students through individual and group counseling, and support their school’s implementation of proactive social-emotional learning and mental health programming. Social workers are also able to provide more intensive clinical services for students with greater needs. 

  • School Mental Health Specialist Program:

    • The School Mental Health Specialist Program supports schools’ efforts to promote social and emotional well-being by building supportive environments and strengthening family and community ties. The Specialists support schools by creating school-wide Mental Health Workplans, offering parent workshops, creating linkages to community mental health providers, providing staff trainings, supplementing some selective level services for students, and participating in team meetings addressing crisis intervention and consolidated plans. Specialists also offer crisis intervention and post-vention services as needed, participate in the school’s students support teams for consultations and referrals.

  • Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention Specialists (SAPIS):

    • The SAPIS program provides a range of prevention and intervention services in grades K–12. SAPIS aims to reduce the prevalence of substance abuse among youth, delay the initiation of substance abuse behavior among youth, decrease the negative health, social, and educational consequences associated with substance abuse and prevent the escalation of substance abuse behaviors to levels requiring treatment. Services include classroom lessons, individual and group counseling, peer leadership programs, crisis intervention, conflict resolution, referrals for mental health and substance abuse services, school-wide projects, and parent workshops.



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