NYC families can use MySchools to apply to public school. Explore your child’s personalized options and get guidance on the admissions process!
Attention Parents below is a video link that includes 10 videos with information on searching for high schools and creating a myschools account as follows:
High school enrollment information guide and step by step tutorials:
See Video #5: How to create a myschools account
See Video#4: How to search for schools
2023 -2024 School-Wide Policies
Yondr/Phone Free School Program & Uniform
Programa Escolar Gratis Yondr/Phone y política de uniformes escolares
En el otoño, seremos un ESPACIO GRATUITO DE TELÉFONO para mejorar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje mediante un sistema llamado Yondr, Haz clic aquí para ver más información......
NYC Schools Account
Welcome NYC Parent or Guardian!
Your NYC Schools Account is your gateway to family-facing technology to support and track your children's progress through public school education at the NYC Department of Education. Open an account today to apply to schools, track your children's progress from Pre-K through high school graduation, and get access to other digital content for New York City families exclusively available to NYC Schools Account holders!
Opening a NYC Schools Account is the first step towards becoming more involved in your student's education. Receive updates via text messages or email about school closures, emergencies, and upcoming events. Link your students and start monitoring things like grades, test scores, attendance.